Monday, July 11, 2011

Good Spirits.

Hellos my dears,
Better spirits tonight so I thought it fit to let my cup of victories run over and raise your spirits too. Actually, I should repent at this point because there's nothing specifically victorious to share. I am sure the men know this too, because they get to experience it first hand from the too many females in the world; Is it just me or other women too just wake up and with absolutely no reason, they are grumpy, and then another morning it's making merry? Anyhow, I just figured it's the progesterone at work.
Well, tonight is one of those merry days so I decided to make up an excuse for being in good spirits and thinking a little harder, I really did not have to make up any excuse. I always check my emails before bed, and I found two emails with invites for job interviews, I guess my hormones have some psychic DNA.
There's nothing really to share but ask the believers to pray for my 2 interviews and the pagans to keep your fingers crossed.(jokes)
I had a good get-away in the week to the ocean and a camping wedding this weekend that was bitter-sweet. I will share the stories sometime this week.
Love you all.

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